Lee Changho's Novel Plays and Shapes

Yet another joseki book you might think skimming through it. However, what are all those lengthy whole board variations good for? They represent an unusal style of joseki study. 15 games' openings are randomly collected and their inherent joseki are discussed in detail. No, this is no dictionary, not even a small one. Discussion focusses on historical (modern) shape development, the embedding and creation of shape within the global context of some fashionable standard openings, and the merits of the after joseki moves. As someone has pointed out, the joseki study is like that of gradually improved particular chess openings. So is the book for nothing but memorization? With that attitude you will get little out of it. However, if you are a dan player that has always wanted to know something about shape creation, then this may be a starting point. Don't worry about useless remarks of the "this position is good for black" type; take the newest variations of joseki so popular in professional play that you like to see background information and appreciate development of shape efficiency.

This book is for dan players trying to improve by studying details. It is not systematic but it might tempt you to think more systematic in future study yourself. Finally, let me praise Yutopian's courage to present us with more dan level books from now on, since the one in question is titled Volume 1. Hopes for Igo Hatsu Yoron Volume 2 are reviving...

Robert Jasiek <jasiek@snafu.de>

Date: 2000/04/19