To Do List for the Bibliography

I need to look at the online version of the AGA bibliography to see what other books I'm missing.

Here is a list of books that I own and need to add to the bibliography:

Here is a list of books that I have in the bibliography that I need to read and add more to the reviews of:

Here is a list of books that I need to buy:

Here is a (partial) list of books that I haven't read very thoroughly for structural reasons. I don't particularly plan to go through these more thoroughly any time soon.

It might also be a nice idea to include reviews of some of the Japanese-language books that I own. The Maeda tsume-go books are the obvious possibility; also, the Nihon-Kiin yearbooks might be a good idea. If I do that, it might be good to include a tutorial for English speakers who want to read go books in Japanese. (Though The Go Player's Almanac 2001 has a nice page on that.)

david carlton <>

Last modified: Sun Aug 29 21:01:50 PDT 2004